GE Healthcare

The future of health


User ResearchInteraction DesignVisual DesignPrototyping

Punchcut worked with GE Healthcare to redesign their electronic medical record and universal imaging experiences. We helped develop and apply a holistic design system to accelerate product creation across the entire business.

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Mobile EMR

Setting the record

We helped research and design the mobile experience for GE’s popular Centricity Electronic Medical Record product. We interviewed physicians and healthcare staff using feature ranking and task analysis to uncover workflow insights and create informed design recommendations.

GE Healthcare interface
GE Healthcare tablet
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Universal Imaging

Here’s looking at you

We also worked with GE to redesign the Centricity Universal Viewer medical imaging platform, helping make radiologists and clinicians more efficient while increasing diagnostic confidence and improving patient care.

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Universal Imaging

Here’s looking at you

We also worked with GE to redesign the Centricity Universal Viewer medical imaging platform, helping make radiologists and clinicians more efficient while increasing diagnostic confidence and improving patient care.

GE Healthcare tablet
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Design Standards

Living systems

At Punchcut, we believe strongly in the value of holistic thinking and extensible frameworks. Throughout our process, we worked to create a robust, scalable design system, enabling future product design and development at scale.

GE Healthcare icons

We partner

To accelerate

We help our partners augment their teams and accelerate their design process to improve user experiences and get products to market faster.

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