Next Level Conscious Experiences

In last year’s digital design trends report we predicted the continued growth of more “conscious” digital experiences after a time of complete disruption. We said that businesses must accelerate the adoption of Conscious Experience Design in four key dimensions to ensure that rapid digitization aligns with consumers’ changing values and sentiments.

Through our work with numerous clients across industries, we’re seeing progress in each area of Conscious Experience Design that we outlined in 2021 – but the mission continues as society now moves from surviving to thriving. While the dramatic pivots over the last two years highlight how technology underpins our lives, people are ready for the next level of conscious product experiences. Products must be even more intelligent, immersive, systemic and social to meet their needs.

Humanizing Technology for more Value.

Technology is becoming more humanized––more conscious. Conscious product experiences are fundamental to helping people and businesses embrace the reality of continued change. As a 
result, we see new products becoming smarter, 
more natural, more immersive, and more conscious.

Having lived through the most transformative moment of their lives, consumers expect and demand more. People are more conscious of the technologies and digital habits that consume their time, attention, and interest. They’re focused on the things they value most, and they have little patience for interactions or products that don’t add value. Conversely, they have a greater appetite for products and technology that make their life more interesting, their activities more meaningful, and their community relationships more enriching.

Where do we go from here? Designing Meaningful Interactions.

Products that engage users in the most meaningful ways will win the hearts of customers, and the minds of the market. We are now in the beginning of a new, more important era of digital transformation and a meaningful evolution in the art of Conscious Experience Design.

Designers are increasingly weighing design decisions and innovation against conscious experiences. Valuable, even meaningful, interactions and results must be consciously designed into every digital product. The result is wildly creative, intelligent, naturalized, and connected products. Designers are increasingly aware that it’s not enough for users to be connected digitally. The connection must improve human interactions and experiences.

The key themes driving design and product innovation are summarized below. For a deeper dive into Conscious Experience Design fundamentals download the full report.

Personal Innovation

Natural Immersion

Communal Systems

Insightful Intelligence

Personal Innovation

People are increasingly embracing products that improve their lives, align with their values and aspirations, and lead to more meaningful interactions, relationships, and greater wellbeing.

Find New Meaning

Human ingenuity during survival mode spawned a new era of “personal innovation.” People are taking stock of their lives and prioritizing optimal value, wellbeing, and balance. Norms are being reevaluated, reprioritized, and renovated across work, family, community, and self-care. The pandemic forced many of these changes into the digital realm, driving a need for quality digital connection, shared experiences, and products that deliver value.

Reimagining possibilities

Moving forward, people will continue to consciously revitalize their lives with human-centric digital solutions that are aligned with their personal and social wellbeing. They’ll thrive, supported by technology that helps them explore new ideas and creates opportunities for more meaningful personal and professional interactions.

Trends to consider:

  • Wellbeing Built Into Every Experience
  • Essentialism Focuses Priorities
  • Social Intimacy in a Disconnected World
  • From Self-Service to Self-Care
  • Creativity Drives Meaningful Growth

Trends to consider:

  • Wellbeing Built Into Every Experience
  • Essentialism Focuses Priorities
  • Social Intimacy in a Disconnected World
  • From Self-Service to Self-Care
  • Creativity Drives Meaningful Growth

Insightful Intelligence

Artificial intelligence will power ultra-humanized assistance and contextual guidance for better decision-making, more efficiencies and richer product engagement and adoption.

Work Together in Harmony

People are growing overwhelmed with the number of digital services and decisions now permeating their lives. They are only embracing products and services that expertly empower and guide them. With so many choices, and so much data, products must become smarter, more collaborative, and more accurate to become essential “digital partners” for users.

Empowering Digital Partnerships

AI is making digital partnerships a reality. In the year ahead, 
we will witness “cooperative intelligence” emerge as the essential core to future digital products and services. Human autonomy 
will be paramount as people more intimately collaborate with intelligent systems that know them and simplify their lives.

In order to win meaningful digital partnerships with users, 
cooperative products will reach beyond academic intelligence 
to engender trust, relatability, and emotional connections.

Trends to consider:

  • Cooperative AI will Augment Human Agency and Insight
  • Low Code, No Code with Ambient Automation
  • AI is Getting Emotional:
Emotional Intelligence
  • Trust is the New Currency: Responsible AI
  • Data Visualization 
Reveals Hidden Insights

Trends to consider:

  • Cooperative AI will Augment Human Agency and Insight
  • Low Code, No Code with Ambient Automation
  • AI is Getting Emotional:
Emotional Intelligence
  • Trust is the New Currency: Responsible AI
  • Data Visualization 
Reveals Hidden Insights

Natural Immersion

Immersive experiences will eliminate technology barriers and create more natural interactions that are spatial, sensory and seamless across digital-physical spaces.

Do What Comes Naturally

As the world opens up, people will seek more holistic solutions that seamlessly weave together both their virtual and physical worlds. Blended physical and digital experiences will enrich their experiences and enable authentic, natural connections.  Convergent concepts such as The Metaverse will draw more interest and spark a reinvention of brand experiences across digital and physical immersive spaces––where the boundaries are increasingly blurred.

Spatial, Seamless, and Sensory

Thus, immersive design is not simply a technological approach. 
It is about creating a state of being more natural, spatial, sensory, and seamless. It will eliminate technology barriers and create customer experiences that are fluid, intuitive, and enriching. Leveraging multi-sensory interactions, spatial environments, and seamless ecosystems, designers will now create immersive experiences that adapt to people and enable the next dimension in more natural interactions and connections.

Trends to consider:

  • Converging Digital and 
Physical Realities
  • Designing the Liminal 
Spaces In Between
  • Humanizing Technology with Multi-Sensory Design
  • Frictionless Interactions will Reduce Cognitive Load
  • The Digital Space Race — 
4D Interactions
  • Brand Twinning across 
Virtual and Physical Worlds

Trends to consider:

  • Converging Digital and 
Physical Realities
  • Designing the Liminal 
Spaces In Between
  • Humanizing Technology with Multi-Sensory Design
  • Frictionless Interactions will Reduce Cognitive Load
  • The Digital Space Race — 
4D Interactions
  • Brand Twinning across 
Virtual and Physical Worlds

Communal Systems

Distributed work and decentralized systems are evolving to become creator-centric community spaces and co-op relationships that enable new, alternate economies.

Power to the People

Collaborative systems now underpin distributed services 
and remote teams – transforming work, healthcare and commerce. In turn, power is shifting from corporate centers to spread across virtual networks of individuals. Yet, people feel more siloed than ever. Humans are built to engage in spontaneous, real-life interactions. Virtual spaces must be augmented with real-world, physical interactions to help meet users’ emotional needs and strengthen relationships.

Rebuilding Communities

As communal systems evolve, businesses will focus on enriching communities, not simply connected products. They must consciously nurture next-gen societies that facilitate closer relationships and enable thriving communities. With the rise of blockchain, Web 3 and the metaverse, we will witness a future that empowers people as the creators of their own destiny in community-driven economies.

Trends to consider:

  • Democratization of Influence
  • From Consumption to Co-Creation.
  • Building Communities 
not Companies
  • Accessibility and Inclusion in Hybrid Worlds
  • Transcending the culture of work.
  • Virtual Possessions are 
Driving New Economies
  • Authentic, Real World Relationships

Trends to consider:

  • Democratization of Influence
  • From Consumption to Co-Creation.
  • Building Communities 
not Companies
  • Transcending the culture of work.
  • Virtual Possessions are 
Driving New Economies
  • Accessibility and Inclusion in Hybrid Worlds
  • Authentic, Real World Relationships

Download FutureView 2022 to gain insights into how Conscious Experience Design is rewriting the rules of digital product design.